Ashland – Oregon 2011 Word in Advance.

The following Diashow is above all for my friends in Ashland.
It’s a selection out of a bunch of photoes I mounted together even though each ’shot‘ has its own history. Indepently of each other.

I see the Ashland-photoes at the center of my time in America.

(The pictures of Garberville and San Francisco will be shown later.
Especially the Garberville ones are a – needed – complementary ‚comment‘ to the glorious days in affluent Ashland.)

I have no intention, to explain my photoes.
They should explain themselves and seen as a whole.
Obvious is they are from the view of an European visitor of Ashland.

The more I saw and discovered during my ramblings through Ashland and its vicinity the more I loved the area.
Finally, I would say: Ashland is a jewel.(With some tainted spots of course.)

Incidentally; what’s clear for everybody looking at the results of my pictorial roamings: I am a lover of ‚American Mailboxes‘: they tell such a lot of the inhabitants of the houses they belong to.

I owe these seminal days to the hospitality and largesse of Angela, Bruce and Ginger Blackwell.

Berlin-July 2011

[slideshow id=91 w=700 h= 525]

(In memoriam: Robert Frank and Lee Friedlander)

more links for ‚America‘:



Sunny San Francisco

My S.F.



IMatter March

